Swiss Measuring Instruments

Trades day 2023

“JOM” Careers Day

Do you remember what career you dreamed of when you were a kid?

As we grow up, our childhood dreams often shape the careers we pursue. Last week, Trimos had the pleasure of hosting some young students on Trades Day, providing them with an opportunity to explore the diverse activities and roles within our company. The event was a resounding success, offering the students a glimpse into the world of metrology and its various professions. Trades Day at Trimos not only showcased the work we do but also allowed the students to envision the possibilities within the field of metrology. It is events like these that can inspire the next generation of professionals and help them connect their childhood aspirations with real-world career paths. The experience of welcoming young, enthusiastic individuals to our company serves as a reminder of the importance of nurturing the dreams and ambitions of the future workforce. By opening our doors and sharing our expertise, we contribute to the development of potential talent and the realization of long-cherished career aspirations. The success of Trades Day at Trimos is a testament to the value of introducing young minds to the world of work and the myriad opportunities that await them. We are proud to have been a part of this enriching experience and look forward to continuing to support and guide the professionals of tomorrow.